King Neptune’s Message

King Neptune’s Message

King Neptune’s Message

As we all know, we need healthy oceans for oxygen, food, jobs, medicines and more. Our oceans are facing severe threats from human activity. Pollution, overfishing and coastal development challenge the health of oceans around the globe on a daily basis. You can help the world save our oceans.

For years, Ocean Conservancy has become one of the world’s largest volunteer efforts for ocean health. Millions of volunteers from countries and locations all over the world have cleaned millions pounds of trash from the shores of lakes, streams, rivers, and the ocean every year.


What’s it all about?

Organizations and individuals around the globe take part in removing trash and debris from the world’s beaches and waterways. They also attempt to identify the sources of debris, and change the behaviors that allow it to reach the ocean in the first place.

Hundreds of thousands of volunteers from countries all over the world spend time picking up everything from cigarette butts and food wrappers to lost fishing nets and major appliances. Because trash travels to the ocean by way of storm drains and waterways, volunteers don’t just work along ocean beaches; these dedicated folks slog through mud and sand along lakes, streams, and rivers, too, often working far inland.

Many walk, many others set out on boats. Thousands more don scuba gear to seek trash below the water’s surface. People of all ages, from any walk of life, can participate. Friends, families, neighbors, club members, grade school classes—all kinds of people can work together in spirit across many time zones.

Cleanups alone can’t solve the marine debris problem; we need to stop it at the source. Armed with knowledge about the most prevalent components of marine debris, elected officials can make informed policy decisions, and community leaders can more effectively tailor and expand recycling and other waste reduction programs. Corporations can see the need for improved technology and reduced packaging, and individuals are inspired to properly dispose of trash to keep it out of the ocean.


When we trash the ocean, we trash our own well-being

Whether we live along the shore or hundreds of miles inland, we are all intimately connected to the ocean. It drives and moderates our climate. It is the ultimate source of much of the water we drink and much of the air we breathe. It directly feeds millions of people. It also absorbs a great deal of the air and water pollution generated by a world population approaching seven billion people. But our ocean is sick, and our actions have made it so. 


Marine debris kills

Every year, countless marine mammals, sea turtles, seabirds, and other animals are sickened, injured, or killed because of dangerous items we allow into the sea. They are poisoned, choked, or entangled in the trash we leave behind, from leaky paint cans to empty yogurt cups to cast-off fishing line. Trash also poses health threats to humans, contaminates marine environments, and clogs boat propellers.


Join forces for a clean, healthy ocean

Trash doesn’t fall from the sky, it falls from human hands. And human hands have the power to stop it. You and your friends, neighbors, family, colleagues and classmates can truly make a difference on behalf of the ocean.

Sixty percent of the debris collected has consisted of single-use, disposable items; cups, plates, knives, forks, and spoons.

Pass the word and be a part of the solution! Together we can change the way things are done and make a big difference!


Unveiling the Future of Web Design!

Unveiling the Future of Web Design!

Introduction: Welcome back, digital explorers! Grant Garrison here, hosting “Open Talk” from my private studio nestled at the foot of the majestic Rocky Mountains in beautiful Colorado Springs. Today, we’re delving deep into the swirling vortex of web design trends, technology, and the promising future that awaits us in the digital realm.

Current Web Design Trends: In the ever-evolving world of web design, we’re witnessing a seismic shift. Picture this – 3D design has taken center stage, transforming websites into immersive experiences that go beyond the flat confines of the screen. Your grandma’s knitting blog? Well, it’s time to add a splash of color and dimension.

Dark mode, once the secret love affair of night owls, is now the town’s favorite. It’s not just a style choice; it’s a lifestyle. From social media apps to your favorite cooking blog, everything looks sleeker and more sophisticated in shades of twilight.

The Tech Frontier: Now, let’s talk tech. AI-powered design assistants have emerged as the unsung heroes of the creative world. They’re your virtual sidekicks, suggesting color palettes and ensuring your website is always dressed to impress.

Collaboration has never been this seamless. Cloud-based design tools are the glue that binds global design teams, creating a virtual studio where ideas flow freely, unburdened by geographical constraints.

The Future Unveiled: Fasten your seatbelts for the future – virtual reality websites. It’s not science fiction; it’s the next frontier. Step into a website and explore it in three dimensions. It’s not just a website; it’s an entire digital universe waiting to be discovered.

Ultra-personalization is the name of the game. Your website knows you better than your favorite barista knows your coffee order. With algorithms that could rival matchmaking services, websites are tailoring content to your preferences.

AR and 3D – The Game Changers: Now, let’s talk about the game-changers – Augmented Reality (AR) and 3D. AR is revolutionizing the way we interact with the digital world. Imagine overlaying digital information onto the physical world around you. It’s not just a trend; it’s a revolution in user experience.

The significance of 3D cannot be overstated. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about creating a dynamic and engaging user experience. From product displays to interactive storytelling, 3D is breathing new life into the digital landscape.

Conclusion: In the sprawling vistas of web design trends, the possibilities are as endless as the Colorado sky. Stay curious, stay creative, and keep riding those digital waves. Until next time, this is Grant Garrison signing off from the heart of the Rockies.

Keep exploring, keep designing, and embrace the digital future!

A Word About Our Sponsors

A Word About Our Sponsors

A Word About Our Sponsors

Our Current Sponsors consist of clients that I’ve had throughout the years as well as some new folks in my life that I would like to support and they seem to want to support what we’re doing here. Right now these are some sites you can visit to learn more about what they have to offer.


Click on the links to visit our sponsors:


Click on the banners to visit our sponsors:


Grandmothers Healing







Metatopia Multiverse

Metatopia Multiverse

Episode I

So this is just the beginning folks, I’m still working the bugs out and soon we’ll be adding more content and more sponsors and a lot more fun, entertianing and interesting post we know you’ll love. ….And when I say “We” I mean that, as I am adding to the team like Buckaroo Banzai. Soon you’re going to be enjoying a whole cast of regular characters, mostly new faces and voices and some from waaaaaay back in the history of Open Talk.

So please excuse the dust, as we clear the rust, and get ready for more very soon!

I had a great conversation with Gibson Elliot about the origins of an earlier project if his called the “Metatopia Multiverse”.

We hope you checked out our conversation here in the video above and we’ll be adding more updates in future posts!

Thank you and see you soon!


Episode I "Metatopia Multiverse"

by Grant Garrison | Open Talk Season 1

Grandmothers Healing

I Found an Answer by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.


Cylinder Eight by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



Heliograph by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



Infinite Perspective by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



Candlepower by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



Is That You or Are You You by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



Air Hockey Saloon by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



Hypnothis by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



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King Neptune’s Message

King Neptune’s Message

King Neptune’s Message As we all know, we need healthy oceans for oxygen, food, jobs, medicines and more. Our oceans are facing severe threats from human activity. Pollution, overfishing and coastal development challenge the health of oceans around the globe on a...

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King Neptune’s Message

King Neptune’s Message

King Neptune’s Message As we all know, we need healthy oceans for oxygen, food, jobs, medicines and more. Our oceans are facing severe threats from human activity. Pollution, overfishing and coastal development challenge the health of oceans around the globe on a...

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King Neptune’s Message

King Neptune’s Message

King Neptune’s Message As we all know, we need healthy oceans for oxygen, food, jobs, medicines and more. Our oceans are facing severe threats from human activity. Pollution, overfishing and coastal development challenge the health of oceans around the globe on a...

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Grandmothers Healing

What Happened to the old Open Talk?

What Happened to the old Open Talk?

So…. What happened to Open Talk? Well…. in short… MICROSOFT. They bought Skype and then promptly shut down one of our favorite features the software offered called “Skypecasting”.

Skypecasts are crap: Why Skype needs to rethink their strategy – ICT for  Peacebuilding (#ICT4Peace)

Skypecasting was great! It was easy to setup up, easy to use, and allowed people to connect with a global audience in mere minutes. 

We did try out a variety of different platforms and software, but before 

too long I realized that I needed to take a break. I needed to reproach my show entirely, with a focus on improving my skills a host and as a blogger. To be honest I was never much of a “blogger” to begin with. I never scripted anything and ran the show from the seat of my pants. I would frequently book guests ahead of time, but put almost zero time into planning out my questions and interviews. This lead to some VERY awkward moments and some very embarrassing dialogue on my part.  ….it also didn’t help that my guest and I would start drinking at the beginning of the show and by half an hour to an hour in we’d be so tanked that the shows became untenable and certainly unlistenable. It’s shocking to me that we lasted as long as we did, and actually had thousands of listeners tuning in. Our numbers grew immediately in the beginning, but plateaued after the first six months.

Then we dragged it our for another year or so and things just declined even further. The shows became 

unlistenable as your host would become increasingly intoxicated while being distracted and involved in all sorts of debauchery and unsavory behavior. It was a lot of fun for those in the studio but for the listener 

it was a dumpster fire… a train wreck… an embarrassment.

THIS TIME around, we’re taking a newer and better path. I’m writing things out. Planning the interviews, and making sure that our shows stay on topic and on course. We’ve got some great subjects, brilliant guests, beautiful music, and some stimulating conversations and more in store for you each week, and sometimes more often.

Thank you for joining us and Welcome back to Open Talk!

Open Talk with Grant Garrison

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