King Neptune’s Message

King Neptune’s Message

King Neptune’s Message

As we all know, we need healthy oceans for oxygen, food, jobs, medicines and more. Our oceans are facing severe threats from human activity. Pollution, overfishing and coastal development challenge the health of oceans around the globe on a daily basis. You can help the world save our oceans.

For years, Ocean Conservancy has become one of the world’s largest volunteer efforts for ocean health. Millions of volunteers from countries and locations all over the world have cleaned millions pounds of trash from the shores of lakes, streams, rivers, and the ocean every year.


What’s it all about?

Organizations and individuals around the globe take part in removing trash and debris from the world’s beaches and waterways. They also attempt to identify the sources of debris, and change the behaviors that allow it to reach the ocean in the first place.

Hundreds of thousands of volunteers from countries all over the world spend time picking up everything from cigarette butts and food wrappers to lost fishing nets and major appliances. Because trash travels to the ocean by way of storm drains and waterways, volunteers don’t just work along ocean beaches; these dedicated folks slog through mud and sand along lakes, streams, and rivers, too, often working far inland.

Many walk, many others set out on boats. Thousands more don scuba gear to seek trash below the water’s surface. People of all ages, from any walk of life, can participate. Friends, families, neighbors, club members, grade school classes—all kinds of people can work together in spirit across many time zones.

Cleanups alone can’t solve the marine debris problem; we need to stop it at the source. Armed with knowledge about the most prevalent components of marine debris, elected officials can make informed policy decisions, and community leaders can more effectively tailor and expand recycling and other waste reduction programs. Corporations can see the need for improved technology and reduced packaging, and individuals are inspired to properly dispose of trash to keep it out of the ocean.


When we trash the ocean, we trash our own well-being

Whether we live along the shore or hundreds of miles inland, we are all intimately connected to the ocean. It drives and moderates our climate. It is the ultimate source of much of the water we drink and much of the air we breathe. It directly feeds millions of people. It also absorbs a great deal of the air and water pollution generated by a world population approaching seven billion people. But our ocean is sick, and our actions have made it so. 


Marine debris kills

Every year, countless marine mammals, sea turtles, seabirds, and other animals are sickened, injured, or killed because of dangerous items we allow into the sea. They are poisoned, choked, or entangled in the trash we leave behind, from leaky paint cans to empty yogurt cups to cast-off fishing line. Trash also poses health threats to humans, contaminates marine environments, and clogs boat propellers.


Join forces for a clean, healthy ocean

Trash doesn’t fall from the sky, it falls from human hands. And human hands have the power to stop it. You and your friends, neighbors, family, colleagues and classmates can truly make a difference on behalf of the ocean.

Sixty percent of the debris collected has consisted of single-use, disposable items; cups, plates, knives, forks, and spoons.

Pass the word and be a part of the solution! Together we can change the way things are done and make a big difference!


Open Talk with Grant Garrison

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